Norwegian Star was designed and built so you can enjoy Freestyle cruising to the fullest. It has 17 excellent restaurant options with exquisite menus of Asian, French, North American cuisine, etc. In addition, it has 10 bars and lounges and a large selection of cabins and suites to suit all tastes. Come on board and discover the freedom and flexibility of Freestyle Cruising and enjoy a cruise at your leisure!
アイスランドの北西部にある町です。それはÍsafjarðarbær自治体の席です。 Ísafjörðurは、ヴェストフィルジール半島で最大の町で、Ísafjarðarbær自治体の席で、近くにはHnífsdalur、Flateyri、Suðureyri、Þingeyriがあります。それはSkutulsfjörður、より大きなÍsafjarðardjúpの水に会うフィヨルドの砂、またはeyriのくぼみの上に位置しています。 Island Vigurは、Isafjörður近郊で最も人気のある観光地の1つです。